DLD – Daniel Léveillé Danse
DLD – Daniel Léveillé Danse CA
Daniel Léveillé
Crépuscule des océans
31 August
18:00 – 19:00 - Capitol Theater
| Big Stage
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Duration: 60min
Area: 87
CINARS / Quebec on Stage
Crépuscule des océans
Choreography: Daniel Léveillé
At the centre of Crépuscule des océans is a human tide, animated by opposing currents: busy, but at the same time on guard – concentrated to make no mistakes – resistant, ambitious and obsessive. An exchange with the others in the heart of this whirl can only be stealthy and charged with aggressiveness. The dancers, mostly in pairs and absorbed by the immediacy of this bond, are constantly testing their limits. They show us a powerful society, once glorious, which has now reached the twilight of its existence. Fragments of a humanity in perdition, accompanied by Beethoven’s piano sonatas.
Tickets (public audience)
Artistic Crew / Team:
DANCERS Mathieu Campeau, Dany Desjardins, Justin Gonet, Emmanuel Proulx, Simon Renaud, Ellen Furey, Esther Gaudette | DANCERS AT CREATION Frédéric Boivin, Mathieu Campeau, Katie Ewald, Justin Gionet, Stéphane Gladyszewski, Ivana Milicevic, Emmanuel Proulx | LIGHT DESIGNER Jean Jauvin | SOUND PROCESSOR Laurent Maslé | REHEARSAL DIRECTOR Sophie Corriveau | PRODUCTION DLD – Daniel Léveillé Danse
ImpulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival, Szene Salzburg International Performing Arts,
Agora de la Danse, Festival TransAmériques, Danspace Project, Département de danse de l’UQAM, Centre de création O Vertigo, Maison de la culture Frontenac
Funders and Supporters:
SPONSOR: Action culturelle du Cirque du Soleil | SUPPORT AT CREATION: UQAM Faculty of Arts and dance department