
Most of the Tanzmesse venues are in walking distances to each other. We therefore offer mainly Guided Walking Tours between venues.

For events in Krefeld, we offer bus shuttle services.

The Guided Walking Tours to Mitsubishi Electric HALLE includes public transport. Please note that you will receive a paper ticket for these events upon your registration onsite. These tickets include a pass for public transportation to and from the event.


27 August 2024

Pre-Day NRW Bus Shuttle
13.00 h tanzhaus nrw -> Fabrik Heeder
ca. 20.30 h Fabrik -> tanzhaus nrw

28 August 2024

Guided Walking Tours
17.00 h tanzhaus nrw -> Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz (AeReA // Panzetti / Ticconi)
18.00 h Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz -> tanzhaus nrw

19.00 h tanzhaus nrw - >Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz (AeReA // Panzetti / Ticconi)
20.00 h Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz -> tanzhaus nrw

19.00 h tanzhaus nrw -> FFT Düsseldorf (40/40 // Two Destination Language)
20.30 h FFT Düsseldorf -> tanzhaus nrw

29 August 2024

Guided Walking Tours
14.00 h AGORA (Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz) -> 34 OST (Talk & Connect)

18.00 h FFT Düsseldorf -> Mitsubishi Electric HALLE (tanzmainz // Trailer Park)
18.00 h tanzhaus nrw -> Mitsubishi Electric HALLE (tanzmainz // Trailer Park)
Including public transport, public transport pass is included in your paper ticket.

20.10 h Mitsubishi Electric HALLE -> FFT Düsseldorf (Stina Nyberg or Lorin Sookool)
20.10 h Mitsubishi Electric HALLE -> tanzhaus nrw (senzenberger|rieck // a dance routine)
Including public transport, public transport pass is included in your paper ticket.

30 August 2024

Guided Walking Tours
14.00 h AGORA (Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz) -> 34 OST (Talk & Connect)

18.00 h FFT Düsseldorf -> Mitsubishi Electric HALLE (Idio Chichava // VAGABUNDUS)
18.00 h tanzhaus nrw -> Mitsubishi Electric HALLE (Idio Chichava // VAGABUNDUS)
Including public transport, public transport pass is included in your paper ticket.

20.20 h Mitsubishi Electric HALLE -> FFT Düsseldorf (Joel Bray // DADDY)
20.20 h Mitsubishi Electric HALLE -> tanzhaus nrw (Diana Niepce // Anda, Diana)
Including public transport, public transport pass is included in your paper ticket.

Bus Shuttle
17.00 h tanzhaus nrw -> Fabrik Heeder Krefeld (Action at a Distance & Tangaj Collective / Bruno Brandolino & Bibi Doria)
19.45 h Fabrik Heeder Krefeld -> FFT Düsseldorf - tanzhaus nrw

31 August 2024

Guided Walking Tours
14.00 h AGORA (Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz) -> 34 OST (Talk & Connect)

18.15 h FFT Düsseldorf -> Opernhaus Düsseldorf (Dance On Ensemble // Mellowing)
18.40 h tanzhaus nrw -> Opernhaus Düsseldorf (Dance On Ensemble // Mellowing)

20.40 h Opernhaus Düsseldorf -> tanzhaus nrw