Raimund Hoghe


Raimund Hoghe DE

Raimund Hoghe

Songs for Takashi

  • 31 August
    20:00 – 21:20
  • Stahlwerk
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 80min

Songs for Takashi

Choreography: Raimund Hoghe

With Songs for Takashi Raimund Hoghe continues his cooperation with dancer Takashi Ueno, who has turned into one of his most important protagonists in recent years. In Songs for Takashi Hoghe makes Ueno, a Japanese, relate to Spanish compositions from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. He also confronts him with songs of the 1960s and 1970s dealing with time and transience. With apparent effortlessness and quite naturally, Takashi Ueno manages to connect the different musical styles whilst still remaining true to himself.