Compagnie Chute Libre
Open Studio
Compagnie Chute Libre FR
Pierre Bolo & Annabelle Loiseau
IN BLOOM - A Rite of Spring (Hip Hop)
1 September
16:15 – 16:45 - tanzhaus nrw
| Studio 4
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Duration: 30min
Area: 68
Musique et Danse en Loire-Atlantique
IN BLOOM - A Rite of Spring (Hip Hop)
Choreography: Pierre Bolo & Annabelle Loiseau
Chute Libre chose to work on The Rite of Spring, Stravinsky's timeless and powerful piece of music. They apply their feisty, yet subtle choreographic hip-hop style to the theme. In the excerpt shown in the Open Studio, the dancers play around with the theatre space, which is at the heart of the show, and offer a remarkable staging.