Alpo Aaltokoski Company


Alpo Aaltokoski Company FI

Alpo Aaltokoski

Ali & Alpo

  • 31 August
    16:00 – 16:20
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 3
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 20min
  • Area: 69
    Dance Info Finland

Ali & Alpo

Choreography: Alpo Aaltokoski

Ali & Alpo contemplates the similarities and differences between Arabic and Western art and culture. The joint work by Iraqi oud lute virtuoso Ali Alawad and choreographer and dance artist Alpo Aaltokoski touchingly brings out the human experience of and a human viewpoint on the consequences of an increasingly restrictive asylum policy. The rejection of Alawad’s asylum applications dramatically affected the genesis of the work and its final form.