Send your artistic proposal for Tanzmesse 2016: What's new?
The procedure to submit a proposal for Tanzmesse has changed. Check how!
If you have attended the internationale tanzmesse nrw in the past as an Exhibitor, you may remember the application process. With our new website, many things have changed for the Booth Coordinator and for the companies. With the new system companies no longer need the booth number to send their proposal. Read here below what is new and what to do!
1. If you are an artist or company planning to send a proposal, your organisation has to be represented at a booth in the Exhibitions Halls of the Tanzmesse in order to send a proposal. This means that, before sending your proposal, you will either rent a booth yourself or get in touch with another booth that will represent your company during the Tanzmesse. Keep this in mind when planning your application: renting your own booth or receiving an invitation from another booth will take several days. The deadline to submit proposals is: 30 Sept. 2015.
2. Every booth will have a designated Booth Coordinator who rents the booth and is the single person who will manage all the communications between the Tanzmesse staff and the booth. The Coordinator will coordinate which artists/companies may send a proposal under the auspices of their booth. Only a company can submit a proposal/s, but the Booth Coordinator must authorise each and every company.
3. To authorise a proposal, the Booth Coordinator should submit through the Tanzmesse website the name and email address of the contact at the company who wishes to make a proposal. In order to do this, the Booth Coordinator logs in to their account on and clicks on the option "Invite other Exhibitors of your Booth to send a proposal for the Performance Programme" and then click on "Manage Invitations". Each booth is responsible to set its own policy as to who can be authorised to send a proposal. In the case of a booth rented by a single company, the authorisation is simple as the submission will, most likely, be the Booth Coordinator’s own company. In the case of large country or regional booths that will be submitting multiple proposals, the decision and process as to who can be authorised is self-determined by the Booth Coordinator.
4. If one artist/company wants to send more than one proposal (for instance: the company would like to present one Open Studio and one Stage-performance), the Booth Coordinator does not need to send several authorisations. Only one authorisation is needed for the system to recognise that an artist is linked to the booth.
5. Once the Booth Coordinator has sent the authorisation through the website, the artist then creates an account on the Tanzmesse website where they can access the application form instantly and pay their Proposal Administration Fee (25€+VAT) online via PayPal.
If you have questions at any point during this process, we are happy to support you:
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