Katja Heitmann - St. This is not a show
Katja Heitmann - St. This is not a show NL
Katja Heitmann
Motus Mori - Moments
3 September
14:30 – 15:50 - tanzhaus nrw
| Studio 3
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Total duration: 80min
Area: 86
Motus Mori Institute - Katja Heitmann
Motus Mori - Moments
Choreography: Katja Heitmann
Motus Mori is a multiyear artistic project build up in three stages: Collecting – Motus Mori: Museum, Archiving – Motus Mori: Heritage and Transmitting – Motus Mori: Monuments. In the period 2021-2024 Katja Heitmann creates an archive for the movement that is inevitably becoming extinct: Motus Mori. It is a place for process that literally ‘moves’; in the years to come, it will be located in various cities, presenting the process of archiving in theatres, museums and public space as exhibitions, performances and rituals.
Moderation: Philipp Schaus
Artistic Crew / Team:
CONCEPT/CHOREOGRAPHY Katja Heitmann | CONCEPT/MUSIC Sander van der Schaaf | DANCER Wies Berkhout | ARTISTIC ASSISTANCE Moene Roovers
Museum Marres, DansBrabant
Funders and Supporters:
Dutch Performing Arts, Province of Noord Brabant, Municipality of Tilburg, Gieskes Strijbis Fund, Diorapthe Fund, Grensverleggers Fund (BE)