DIN A 13 tanzcompany

Open Studio

DIN A 13 tanzcompany DE

Gerda König

InbetweenPOWER II

  • 1 September
    16:15 – 17:35
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 4
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Total duration: 80min
  • Area: 65
    tanzhaus nrw + iDAS NRW

InbetweenPOWER II

Choreography: Gerda König

The first project, inbetweenPOWER, is a choreographically staged trialogue about power, threat and their in-between worlds with dancers with and without physical disabilities from Germany, India and Turkey. Conceptually, the choreographic and filmic material gained from the first production will be elaborated in more depth in the second part of inbetweenPOWER from the concentrated perspective of women and men. Characteristic of their work, the dance company DIN A 13 tanzcompany will artistically pursue their commitment to the aesthetic significance of the “mixed-abled approach” for dance and art in this concept idea and will specifically bring this to life in the production.

Moderation: Stefan Schwarz

Artistic Crew / Team:
ARTISTIC DIRECTION Gerda König | CHOREOGRAPHY Gerda König, Mehdi Farajpour | DANCERS Jana Zöll, Damiaan Veens | MUSIC Frank Schulte | COSTUMES Thomas Wien-Pegelow | CREATIVE PRODUCER Anastasia Olfert

Production by DIN A 13 dance company in cooperation with BARNES CROSSING e.V.

Funders and Supporters:
InbetweenPOWER is a production of DIN A 13 tanzcompany under the direction of Gerda König, in cooperation with the Iranian choreographer Mehdi Farajpour and the video artist Jürgen Salzmann.
InbetweenPOWER is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, the NRW KULTURsekretariat, the Fonds Darstellende Künste and the Kämpgen Stiftung.
The DIN A 13 tanzcompany is a recipient of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia's "Spitzenförderung" funding for outstanding achievement.

InbetweenPOWER II