Talk & Connect

  • 31 August
    14:30 – 16:30
  • 34 OST | Talk & Connect
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility International Sign Language Subtitles
  • Duration: 120min

To care for creation

Each Talk & Connect day begins with a keynote introducing the day’s topic. This is followed by a participatory exchange in the form of a Fishbowl discussion.

The Keynote will be translated into Internationale Sign Language.

I often wonder if we really care. Artist, “artivist,” archivist banging against a wall that often makes us loose our strength. I try to organize my thoughts according to a practice that is governed by ethics. But in a sick world, how do we survive without practices of interdependence, having to explain notions of empathy? Where experimental, experiential creation is subject to a lack of empathy?

Diana Niepce (Keynote)

Diana Niepce is a dancer, choreographer and writer. She created the pieces Anda, Diana (SPA Prize, 2021), O outro lado da dança (2022), Enfreakment (2024), Utopia (2024). As a dancer and performer she collaborated with national and international artists. Diana is an Associated Artist of O Espaço do Tempo and has worked on the Political Bodies Cycle at Culturgest as guest curator, and on training programs for artists with and without disabilities, such as Outside the norm (2023) and Norm (2023)

Nassrah-Alexia Denif (Moderation)

Nassrah-Alexia Denif is a linguist and communication expert. She worked in the field of press and public relations at Oper am Rhein, Stadttheater Heilbronn and, until 2018, as Head of Communications at PACT Zollverein, Essen. Since 2019, she has been responsible for communications and strategic management at Ben J. Riepe Kompanie in Düsseldorf and also advises international companies on their communications in German and English-speaking countries.

Artistic Crew / Team:
Keynote: Diana Niepce
Moderation: Nassrah-Alexia Denif