Talk & Connect

  • 29 August
    14:30 – 16:30
  • 34 OST | Talk & Connect
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility International Sign Language Subtitles
  • Duration: 120min

South x South Relations

Carole Umulinga Karemera and Martha Hincapié Charry explore South–South relations. These two distinguished artists and cultural leaders challenge conventional narratives, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, solidarity, and the unlearning of colonial legacies. Their keynotes delve into the profound connections between Global South communities, advocating for a reimagined future that transcends historical inequalities. This dialogue is essential for anyone committed to fostering genuine, equitable global partnerships.

The keynote will be translated into International Sign Language.

Each Talk & Connect day begins with a keynote introducing the day’s topic. This is followed by a participatory exchange in the form of a Fishbowl discussion.

Martha Hincapié Charry (Keynote)

Martha Hincapié Charry is a BIPoC Colombian artist, decolonial curator, choreographer, performer, and researcher. In 2019 she was Pina Bausch Fellowship recipient. Her own creations have been invited to festivals and venues in Europe, Asia and the so-called Americas. She is artistic director of Plataforma/SurReal Berlin Festival. In her curatorial praxis she reflects on (de)coloniality processes and forms of survival that artists have experienced in their migration to Europe or as part of local utopias. Moreover, she has created several unlearning spaces dealing with underrepresented and excluded BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) expressions and struggles.

Carole Umulinga Karemera (Keynote)

Carole Umulinga Karemera holds a Master in Drama and Music (Jazz) from The Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Mons and a certificate in Cultural leadership from the African Arts Institute. She has performed in internationally acclaimed theater, dance and film productions and is co-founder and Executive Director of Ishyo Arts Centre, one the most dynamic creative organizations based in Kigali. The centre is involved in advocacy, capacity building, production and promotion of the creative sector in Rwanda and the sub-region. She is the producer of Kina Festival, Home Sweet Home festival and co-producer of the Rwandan International Literature Encounters and Kuya Kwetu. Her current artistic work includes participatory arts, arts-sciences and arts for young audience. In 2024, she has been nomintaed IETM - Global Connector and elected to be part of the Executive Committee of Assitej International.

Nassrah-Alexia Denif (Moderation)

Nassrah-Alexia Denif is a linguist and communication expert. She worked in the field of press and public relations at Oper am Rhein, Stadttheater Heilbronn and, until 2018, as Head of Communications at PACT Zollverein, Essen. Since 2019, she has been responsible for communications and strategic management at Ben J. Riepe Kompanie in Düsseldorf and also advises international companies on their communications in German and English-speaking countries.

Artistic Crew / Team:
Keynote: Martha Hincapié Charry, Carole Umulinga Karemera
Moderation: Nassrah-Alexia Denif