Sarah Baltzinger + Isaiah Wilson

Open Studio

Sarah Baltzinger + Isaiah Wilson LU

Sarah Baltzinger + Isaiah Wilson


  • 29 August
    14:15 – 15:35
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 4
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Total duration: 80min
  • Area: 34
    Dance from Luxembourg


Choreography: Sarah Baltzinger + Isaiah Wilson

MEGASTRUCTURE is a puzzle, a performative dance duet whose pieces are constantly being dismantled, searched for, tested and reinvented. Co-creators and performers Sarah Baltzinger and Isaiah Wilson draw on their bodies in constant cohabitation to deconstruct the traditional format of theatre and dance pieces. What does the audience expect in a performance? What is necessary to create? Without music or other distractions, MEGASTRUCTURE is both an immersive experience and a captivating performance.

Artistic Crew / Team:
CHOREOGRAPHERS & PERFORMERS Sarah Baltzinger + Isaiah Wilson

Funders and Supporters:
TROIS C-L | Maison pour la danse, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourgeois, Cité Musicale-Metz, Fondation Indépendance, Département de la Moselle, Ville de Metz, Tipperary Dance Platform