30 August
22:00 – 23:59 - tanzhaus nrw
| Foyer
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Duration: 119min
Party hosted by DGArtes in partnership with Teatro Municipal do Porto & O Espaço do Tempo
Two friends, one dream. Celebrating the end of the world, together they bless possible futures. The goal is to create a dance floor for the living to dance freely with their ghosts. We are tired of tiredness - let us allow poetry and music to find our life again. Let us dream.
Tita Maravilha
Tita Maravilha is a creator and performer. In addition to her own creations, she brings Trypas corassão to life together with Cigarra. And playing music, she selects references from her individual and collective trajectory as a transvestite-migrant body in her DJ7s. Who has Ref has everything
Odete works across performance, text, visual arts, and music. She claims to be a bastard daughter of Lucifer, descending from the medieval practice of satanic pacts to alter someone's sexed body. Lately, she has been focused on developing her DJing more oriented towards ballroom. She’s part of the Kiki house of Bodega.