Kim ji yoon

Open Studio

Kim ji yoon KR

Kim ji yoon

Shuttle Run

  • 29 August
    14:00 – 15:20
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 5
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Total duration: 80min
  • Area: 19
    Dance of Korea

Shuttle Run

Choreography: Kim ji yoon

For Shuttle Run, choreographer Kim ji yoon draws from personal experience and perception of competition: In the infinitely competitive society, competition implies a long run toward a destination that is invisible. We are running indefinitely to maintain our current position and state in a rapidly changing society. Kim ji yoon looks at achievement and defeat, exploring how a repeated sense of defeat makes one experience a range of emotions such as relative deprivation, scepticism and anger. It is intended to build a bond through the story of individuals and society as contemporary competition and life.

Artistic Crew / Team:
Kim ji yoon

Shuttle Run