Jernej Bizjak
Jernej Bizjak DK
Jernej Bizjak
31 August
14:30 – 15:50 - FFT Düsseldorf
| Foyer
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Total duration: 80min
Area: 71
Danish Arts Foundation
Choreography: Jernej Bizjak
UP-AND-DOWN-AND-UP- is a movement-based project that invites young audiences (3+) to experience how sheer movement can have a powerful impact on our state of mind. A white bouncy castle that unfolds in front of us, becoming a collective space for joy and happiness. The project focuses on the perception of individual and collective happiness, while upholding a critical attitude against the prevailing perception of happiness within the capitalist framework. UP-AND-DOWN-AND-UP- addresses the audiences with an original format – “work-formance”, starting with a movement workshop and continuing into a performance, where youngsters become protagonists of movement action.
Moderation: Henrike Kollmar
Artistic Crew / Team:
CHOREOGRAPHY Jernej Bizjak | CO-CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMANCE Anamaria Bagarić/Ruth Rebekka Hansen, Petra Peček/Johanna Eva Forsehag, Jernej Bizjak/Marcus Alexander Roydes | DRAMATURGY Sara Živkovič Kranjc | MUSIC Matija Strniša | TEXT Nina Ivanišin, Jette Ostan Vejrup, Claus Mandøe | STORYTELLING Nina Ivanišin/Jette Ostan Vejrup | UNDERSTUDY Alja Lacković/ Roosa Törmä | CHOREOGRAPHY ASSISTANCE Fabio Liberti | MENTORSHIP AND CONSULTANCY My Grönholdt | COSTUME DESIGN Kiss The Future | LIGHT DESIGN Janko Oven | VISUAL DESIGN Ajda Tomazin | VIDEO Gregor Gobec | CREATIVE PRODUCER Jernej Bizjak |
Komma Performance Productions & Institute 0.1
Funders and Supporters:
FUNDERS: Ministry of Culture, Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana, Statens Kunstfond, Augustinus Fonden, William Demant Fonden, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Hoffmann og Husmans Fond, Københavns Kommune
PARTNERS: Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Anton Podbevšek Teater, KUD Qulenium Ljubljana, Zavod Ivana Cankarja Vrhnika, Društvo DUK47, Zavod Moja kreacija, Flota Murska Sobota, Aaben Dans (DK), Sydhavn Teater, Biblioteket Rentemestervej, Kulturhus Valby, Glimt Amager, Aalborg Børnekarneval