hosted by PolandDances / National Institute of Music and Dance & Adam Mickiewicz Institute
31 August
10:45 – 12:15 - AGORA (at Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz)
| Meet-Up Space
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Duration: 90min
Dancing & Parenting
hosted by PolandDances / National Institute of Music and Dance & Adam Mickiewicz Institute
This Meet-Up is aimed at discussing parenthood issues in the field of dance and choreography. We will tackle working conditions for parents working as dance artists and producers: limitations and possibilities as well as initiatives and changes towards a more parent-friendly dance environment as is the case in several countries in Europe. We will also share our ideas and propositions related to dancing & parenting with a caring gaze into a better future. The meeting will have two parts: an introductory presentation with guests led by Renata Piotrowska-Auffret, and discussions in three working groups. At the end, we will sum up the results of our discussions.
Artistic Crew / Team:
Curator and moderator: Renata Piotrowska-Auffret