fabien prioville dance company

Open Studio

fabien prioville dance company DE

Fabien Prioville

1250 Mb/s

  • 2 September
    14:15 – 15:35
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 4
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Total duration: 80min
  • Area: 65
    tanzhaus nrw + iDAS NRW

1250 Mb/s

Choreography: Fabien Prioville

1250 Mb/s is an interactive approach to the topic of “Big Data”. Processes of data collection and use are investigated with the means of dance. Together with a team of scientists, Fabien Prioville and his team develop a haptic equivalent in performative space for the otherwise hidden processes of data tracking.

Moderation: Stefan Schwarz

Artistic Crew / Team:
CHOREOGRAPHY Fabien Prioville | DANCERS Anna Sühelya Harms, Evan Schwarz, Francesca Ciaffoni, Tijana Prendović | TECHNIQUE Alexander Giesbrecht

tanzhaus nrw

Funders and Supporters:
A production of fabien prioville dance company. Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW; the Cultural Office of the City of Düsseldorf; the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of the state of NRW and Neustart Kultur of Performing Arts Fund.

1250 Mb/s