Choy Ka Fai, Ligia Lewis, Joana Chicau and Jonathan Reus, Robin Jonsson
31 August
- Tanzmesse Digital Space
| Online
Tanzmesse Digital Space
Choreography: Choy Ka Fai, Ligia Lewis, Joana Chicau and Jonathan Reus, Robin Jonsson
The Digital programme offers space to discuss dance and performance practices within the digital realm. Web- and screen-based performances by Choy Ka Fai, Ligia Lewis, Robin Jonsson, Joana Chicau and Jonathan Reus are presented online, introducing visitors to various artistic approaches with digital technologies. In the frame of lectures and conversations, producers, scholars, artists, and curators give insights into their research fields, sharing their experiences, initiatives, and questions with the audience. The entire Digital programme, as well as the discussions of the Talk & Connect programme are accessible via an online platform created by demodern, where visitors off- and on-site can interact and exchange as avatars.
Digital Programme
31 August 2022
18:00 Opening Digital Space
On Demand:
Choy Ka Fai // Blue Sky Academy # 311C
Ligia Lewis // deader than dead
Joana Chicau & Jonathan Reus // Anatomies of Intelligence
Robin Jonsson // Alone Together
1 September 2022
Live Stream: Talk & Connect
10:30 – 11:00 Keynote (Un)expected Relations // Jay Pather (ZA)
11:00 – 12:00 Panel (Un)expected Relations // with Soohye Jang / PAMS Performing Arts Markt Seoul (KR) | Buse Yildrim / Beykoz Kundura (TR) | Angela Conquet (AU) | Maria José Cifuentes/TACTO, GAM - Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral (CL)
On Demand:
Choy Ka Fai // Blue Sky Academy # 311C
Ligia Lewis // deader than dead
Joana Chicau & Jonathan Reus // Anatomies of Intelligence
Robin Jonsson // Alone Together
Digital Space (live):
14:30–15:00 Robin Jonsson // Alone Together (live in Düsseldorf)
18:00–18:30 Robin Jonsson // Alone Together (live in Düsseldorf)
2 September 2022
Live Stream: Talk & Connect
10:30 – 11:00 Keynote (Un)apologetic Bodies // Kate Marsh (UK)
11:00 – 12:00 Panel (Un)apologetic Bodies // with Sindri Runudde (SE) | Saša Asentić /Per.Art & Tanzerei Berlin (CS| DE) | Brian Solomon/electric moose (CA) | Yanel Barbeito/Unusual Symptoms (ES/CU/DE)
On Demand:
Choy Ka Fai // Blue Sky Academy # 311C
Ligia Lewis // deader than dead
Joana Chicau & Jonathan Reus // Anatomies of Intelligence
Robin Jonsson // Alone Together
Digital Space (live):
14:30–15:00 Robin Jonsson // Alone Together (live in Düsseldorf)
15:30–16:00 Joana Chicau & Jonathan Reus // Anatomies of Intelligence (live in Düsseldorf and online)
18:00–18:30 Robin Jonsson // Alone Together (live in Düsseldorf)
3 September 2022
Live Stream: Talk & Connect
10:30 – 11:00 Keynote (Un)probable futures // Tamara Cubas (UY)
11:00 – 12:00 Panel (Un)probable future // with Barbara Poček/IETM (BE/SL) | Arkadi Zaides (IL/FR) | Mamela Nyamza (SA) | Eva García/Comuart (ES)
On Demand:
Choy Ka Fai // Blue Sky Academy # 311C
Ligia Lewis // deader than dead
Joana Chicau & Jonathan Reus // Anatomies of Intelligence
Robin Jonsson // Alone Together
Experts & Artists Talks
14:30–16:30 Lectures
Kate Sicchio
Joulia Strauss
Lisa May Thomas
Laura U. Marks
16:30–17:30 Talks (happening simultaneously)
Joana Chicau, Kate Sicchio. Moderation: Paloma Oliveira
Choy Ka Fai, Joulia Strauss, Moderation: Fabiane M. Borges
Robin Jonsson, Lisa May Thomas. Moderation: Karen Toftegaard
Ligia Lewis, Laura U. Marks. Moderation: Rizvana Bradley
Noora Hannula
Aoi Nakamura and Esteban Lecoq / AΦE
Afropolis / Qudus Onikeku
Stéphane Noël / OpenScape
19:00–19:30 Joana Chicau & Jonathan Reus // Anatomies of Intelligence (live in Düsseldorf and online)