Marco D'Agostin


Marco D'Agostin IT

Marco D'Agostin


  • 1 September
    22:00 – 23:00
  • tanzhaus nrw | Small Stage
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 60min
  • Area: Networking Island 13


Choreography: Marco D'Agostin

“Dear N, you were too much.” These are the opening words of friend and colleague Wendy Houstoun’s farewell letter to Nigel Charnock, one of the founders of the pioneering British dance company DV8 Physical Theatre. BEST REGARDS is a letter Marco D'Agostin, who worked with Charnock in 2010, is writing, 8 years late to someone who can no longer reply. It’s his way of saying: “Dear N, I wanted to be too much too.” It is an invitation he gives to the audience: “Let’s sing all together about a nostalgia that belongs to us all, we who didn’t arrive in time to say what we wanted.” Marco D'Agostin.

Artistic Crew / Team:
BY & WITH Marco D'Agostin | SOUND & GRAPHICS LSKA | TEXTS Chiara Bersani, Marco D’Agostin, Azzurra D’Agostino, Wendy Houstoun | LIGHTS Giulia Pastore | SET BUILDING Simone Spangaro, | SCIENTIFIC ADVICE The Nigel Charnock Archive, Roberto Casarotto | DRAMATURGICAL ADVICE Chiara Bersani, Claudio Cirri, Alessandro Sciarroni | TECHNICAL ADVICE Eleonora Diana, Luca Poncetta, Andrea Sanson, Paola Villani | MOVEMENT COACH Marta Ciappina | TECHNICAL CARE Paolo Tizianel, PROMOTION & CARE Damien Modolo| ORGANIZATION|ADMINISTRATION Eleonora Cavallo, Federica Giuliano

Production VAN, Coproduction, KLAP Maison pour la danse à Marseille, Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, CCN2-Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble
ERT / Teatro Nazionale

Funders and Supporters:
Points communs, Nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val d'Oise, Centrale Fies CSC/Centro per la Scena Contemporanea (Bassano del Grappa), Marche Teatro/inTeatro Festival, the WorkRoom (Fattoria Vittadini), Teatro Comunale di Vicenza, L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale ::: Centro di Residenza Emilia-Romagna, ARTEFICI.ResidenzeCreativeFvg di ArtistiAssociati, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Colonia /MiC-General direction of performing arts
in partnership with ATER Fondazione