3 September
10:30 – 11:00 - NRW-Forum
| Talk & Connect Space
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility International Sign Language Subtitles
- Duration: 30min
Keynote (Un)probable futures // Tamara Cubas (UY)
Unprobable futures reconnects to society and looks at how dance can be a vehicle for social change. The participants take a closer look at practices from within performing arts that have been able to generate significant transformations in local communities and contexts. In the center of the discussions are alliances that move dance out of its known realms. What strategies from other sectors can be incorporated into artistic and social practices and become embedded into the fabric of the spaces defined for dance? How do they contribute to the construction of an improbable and shared future?
Keynote Artistic Practices as Social Experience // Tamara Cubas
How can artistic practices become a social experience? Can an artistic experience generate an alteration in social values? These questions are not new, but perhaps they are more urgent than ever, in such an elusive and schizophrenic present. How might artistic practices be the key to acting through this incomprehensible present and in the face of an improbable future? The most relevant issues today are perhaps to be found within platforms, devices and formats that challenge the ways in which we coexist, meet and circulate information - creating different logics of relationships.
Uruguay-based artist and cultural producer Tamara Cubas has developed two lines of research in her practice: one that delves into the performative body in a constant search for the autonomy of the body and the second referring to “the Other”, where she develops projects with non-artistic populations and communities. She also runs Campo Abierto, a cultural farm in Uruguay with services and programming specialised in art and culture.