Vertigo Dance Company


Vertigo Dance Company IL

Noa Wertheim

One, One & One

  • 29 August
    19:00 – 20:00
  • Forum Leverkusen
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 60min
  • Area:
    Vertigo Dance Company

One, One & One

Choreography: Noa Wertheim

Oscillating between explosive energy and meditative unison, virtuous movement and abstract design, choreographer Noa Wertheim and the nine performers on stage depict the inner desire – and struggle – of the individual to become whole. The production, nominated for the Bessie Award 2019, shows how people, in their infinite desire to belong, create trust and establish relationships. At the same time, the fear of conformity arises. In One, One & One the fleeting art form of dance leaves traces on the soil-covered stage, visualizing the metaphoric relationship between far and near as well as the self and the other.

Artistic Crew / Team:
CHOREOGRAPHER Noa Wertheim | CO-CREATOR Rina Wertheim-Koren | DANCERS Etai Peri,
Daniel Costa, Sian Olles, Korina Fraiman, Micah Amos, Hagar Shachal, Shachar Dolinski, Helena Olmedo Duynslaeger, Riley Wolf, Eden Ben Shimol | ORIGINAL MUSIC Avi Balleli | MUSICIANS Galia Hai, Oud Eliahu Dagmi, Ilai Balleli | COSTUME DESIGN Sasson Kedem | STAGE DESIGN Roy Vatury | LIGHTING DESIGN Dani Fishof – Magenta | CEO Adi Sha'al | COMPANY MANAGER Sandra Brown | STAGE & TOUR MANAGER Reut Shiva | PRODUCTION ABROAD Maya Williams | INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & VERTIGO FRIENDS Rachel Grodjinovsky | DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Yohanna Kremer

Funders and Supporters:
Vertigo Dance Association / Friends of vertigo, Michael Fisher - Chairman, Vertigo Friends Chair - Varda Samet, Vertigo Friends and Patrons: Dame Shirley Porter, Mike Fliderbaum, Jonas Grandér, Vertigo Dance Company sponsored by: The State of Israel - Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, The Jerusalem Municipality

One, One & One