Paula Quintana


Paula Quintana ES

Paula Quintana

Las Alegrías (The Joys)

  • 29 August
    21:15 – 22:15
  • tanzhaus nrw | Big Stage
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 60min
  • Area:

Las Alegrías (The Joys)

Choreography: Paula Quintana

Las Alegrías unfolds from the generating, transformative and revolutionary power of joy. A dancing dialogue between two bodies: the living and latent body of Paula Quintana and a magical and celestial body that concentrates the energy and powerful drive of life. This choreographed installation embarks on a journey through a sensitive and expanded body that withdraws and rises, concentrating all the creative, feminine and mysterious power of joy.

Artistic Crew / Team:
CREATION AND INTERPRETATION Paula Quintana | DRAMATURGY Javier Cuevas | SOUND DESIGN Óscar Villegas | LIGHTING AND STAGE Cube bz | COSTUME DESIGN Amuhaici Luis y Aurelia Gil | INSTATLLATION (METEORITE) Tahíche Díaz | TEXT Roy Galán | IMAGE DESIGN Pepe Valladares | VIDEO Tamara Brito | TECHNICAL DIRECTION Grace Morales | PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Celia Zaragoza | COMMUNICATION Marta Baeza - La Locomotora

Island Council of Tenerife (Canary Islands), Canal Dance Centre (Madrid), Community of Madrid
Teatre Principal of Palma (Balearic Islands)

Funders and Supporters:
With the support of: Tercera Setmana’s Festival (Community of Valencia), Eima Centre de Creació (Balearic Islands), El Sauzal’s Theatre (Canary Islands), La Granja’s Theatre (Canary Islands Government)

Las Alegrías (The Joys)