Lululangs Arts Academy


Lululangs Arts Academy ZA

Lulu Mlangeni

The Encounter

  • 29 August
    19:30 – 20:25
  • tanzhaus nrw | Small Stage
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 55min
  • Area:
    Dance South Africa

The Encounter

Choreography: Lulu Mlangeni

The Encounter explores subtleties that undermine the potential for a smooth flow of relationships between genders. In this duet the dancers are bent on trampling the tenuous line that stealthily continues to set creatures of coexistence apart as if they are an accident of nature and the universe. Lulu Mlangeni plays with gender stereotypes and the attraction between “the weak” and “the strong”.

Artistic Crew / Team:
DANCERS Bafikile Sedibe, Lulu Mlangeni

The Encounter