Body Architects


Body Architects AT

Hygin Delimat

House Beating

  • 27 August
    22:00 – 22:45
  • tanzhaus nrw | Outside tanzhaus nrw
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 45min
  • Area:
    Body Architects

House Beating

Choreography: Hygin Delimat

Space, shapes, bodies, installation – in House Beating the performers create architectural shapes with their bodies as well as with wooden objects. The work explores the borders of the body’s physical abilities in dialogue with an organically morphing wooden entity and anticipates the moment of emergence, creation and construction. The organic and the inorganic continuously meet and engage in the shared process of space creation and decomposing. The driving motor of House Beating is a virtuosic musical score inspired by Xennakis’ and Cage’s compositions.

Artistic Crew / Team:
CHOREOGRAPHY AND DANCE Hygin Delimat, Elias Choi-Buttinger | SCULPTURE Andreas Buttinger | MUSIC Maria Anna Chlebus, Voland Szekely | PERFORMANCE Andreas Buttinger, Weng Teng Choi-Buttinger + 2 guests

Produced with the help of STUV Anton Bruckner University

House Beating