Dance Forum Taipei

Open Studio

Dance Forum Taipei TW

Toru Shimazaki

Dance Force-South

  • 28 August
    18:10 – 18:40
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 5
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 30min
  • Area:
    Dance in Taiwan

Dance Force-South

Choreography: Toru Shimazaki

As part of their 30th anniversary celebration, Dance Forum Taipei has invited Japanese choreographer Toru Shimazaki who reconstructed and reworked his piece South with the company. The introspective work consisting of featuring duets, solos and group forms leaves room for an individual display of unique body expressions of the nine performers within the collective and harmonious movement. Shimazaki is virtuously blending music into dance, making his believe visible that "good music can always reach your heart."

Artistic Crew / Team:
ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Heng Ping | ASSISTANT ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Kai-Yi Chen | TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Channel Huang | DANCERS Wei-Yun Chen, Pei-Chun Shih, Chi-Hsuan Lin, Yen Wang, Yi-Chen Peng, Yi-Shao Li, Yen-Chieh Huang, Hsin-Chieh Chou, Wen-Hsuan Wang

National Taichung Theater, Taiwan

Funders and Supporters:
The Ministry of Culture of Taiwan
National Culture and Arts Foundation
ChinLin Foundation for Culture and Arts
Interplan International Corp.
TIEN-HO Culture & Arts Foundation
Live Forever Foundation

Dance Force-South