Ben J. Riepe
Ben J. Riepe DE
Ben J. Riepe
27 August
18:00 – 19:00 - FFT Düsseldorf
| Big Stage
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Duration: 60min
iDAS NRW / tanzhaus nrw
Choreography: Ben J. Riepe
Fear – "Medo" in Portuguese – is a predominant feeling in Brazil nowadays and reflects a global phenomenon. It concerns the inhabitants of the favelas, artists, climate and LGTBQ activists alike – they are all affected by restrictions in their daily lives. With this creation, Ben J. Riepe explores possible ways to encounter these social and political charges: in the sense of a self and external questioning, a comparison and – if you like – a search for the lost freedom in art. Via a highly physical movement vocabulary, driving sounds, live singing and Portuguese as well as English language elements arise sensual and at times oppressive images – a struggle for community and individuality.
Artistic Crew / Team:
CHOREOGRAPHY Ben J. Riepe | ARTISTIC ASSISTANCE Gwen Wieczorek | PERFORMANCE Sauane Costa, Sebastião Abreu, Thor Galileo, Wendel Lima, Tyshea Suggs e Aaron S. Davis | STAGE DESIGN Ben J. Riepe, Gwen Wieczorek | LIGHT Luiz Guimarães, Ben J. Riepe | COSTUMES Thiago Romero & Tina Melo e Lucas Montty, Ben J. Riepe, Gwen Wieczorek | SOUND João Millet Meirrelles | CHOREOGRAPHIC ASSISTANCE Daniel Ernesto Müller | VOCAL COACH Carolina Rüegg | TECHNICAL DIRECTION Philipp Zander | PROJECT MANAGER Baobá Producões Artisticas, Till Freese, Dina ed Dik, Jessica Prestipino | COORDINATION Izaskun Abrego | PR Nassrah-Alexia Denif | PHOTOS Edgar Azevedo, Alexander Basile, Ursula Kaufmann
Production: Ben J. Riepe, Goethe Institut, Baobá Produções, Centro Cultural Plataforma , Coproduction: Asphalt Festiva , Collaborators: Sommerblut Festival Cologne, Weltkunstzimmer Dusseldorf
Funders and Supporters:
Funded by: Kunststiftung NRW, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Goethe Institut, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf. Medo/Angst is financed by Germany’s Federal Foreign Office.