The future of Performing Arts Markets


  • 30 August
    15:30 – 16:30
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 7
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 60min

After 24 years of hosting the largest professional gathering dedicated to contemporary dance, internationale tanzmesse nrw dares to ask the question “Who needs performing arts markets?” In view of globalization and the still growing importance of the internet, many reasons why performing arts markets have emerged have become irrelevant. How do we, as organisers, have to further develop the idea of performing arts markets to still be important for international exchange, networking and presenting work to international presenters and programmers? Dieter Jaenicke, new Director of internationale tanzmesse nrw, has invited performing arts market experts to discuss this topic and to take look into the future of performing arts markets and platfoms.

Ása Richardsdóttir, Project Leader Ice Hot Nordic Dance Platform 2018
Sophie Travers, International Development Manager Europe, Australia Council
Alain Paré, President, Executive Director and Founder CINARS