ZfinMalta Dance Ensemble

Open Studio

ZfinMalta Dance Ensemble MT

Paolo Mangiola

Golden Record

  • 30 August
    17:30 – 17:50
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 5
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 20min
  • Area: 55
    ŻfinMalta Dance Ensemble

Golden Record

Choreography: Paolo Mangiola

The collaboration between visual artist Austin Camilleri and choreographer Paolo Mangiola is inspired by the “Golden Records”: gold-plated phonograph records, launched on the 1977 Voyager Spacecraft to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth to intelligent extraterrestrial life forms. Referring to dystopian fiction, Golden Record delves into the notion of collective memories and cultural identity and questions how our past, present, and future hopes might be represented nowadays.

Funders and Supporters:
Art Council of Malta | Malta Tourism Authority