Company Alias
Company Alias CH
Guilherme Botelho
31 August
15:30 – 15:50 - tanzhaus nrw
| Studio 4
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Duration: 20min
Area: 104
Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council
Choreography: Guilherme Botelho
We are aware that something is there but we are unable to see it. There is nothing for our eyes to gaze at, our ears to listen to or our hands to touch, yet we feel a presence, a vibration, an energy. What visions does the perception of an inexplicable world prompt in us? What fears? What hopes? What desires? contre-mondes (converse worlds) questions the tangible and the intangible reality, the visible and the invisible, the concrete and the ethereal.
Artistic Crew / Team:
CHOREOGRAPHER Guilherme Botelho | ASSISTANT CHOREOGRAPHER Victoria Hoyland | COMPOSER Murcof | LIGHT DESIGNER Yann Marussich | DANCERS Arnaud Bacharach, Louis Bourel-Germain, Clara Delorme, Judith Desse, Laetitia Gex, Victoria Holyand, Alex Landa-Aguirreche, Evita Pitara, Angela Rabaglio, Kelsey Rohr, Gabriel Simoes, Johanna Willig-Rosenstein | TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Alex Kurth | PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Clément Lanza, Nicolas Cilins
PRODUCTION Alias Compagnie
CO-PRODUCTION Théâtre Forum Meyrin
Funders and Supporters:
REGULAR SUPPORTS City of Meyrin, City of Geneva, Canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia – Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Culture | PRODUCTION SUPPORTS La Fondation Meyrinoise du Casino, La Loterie Romande