Breakfast Presentation European Dancehouse Network


  • 31 August
    09:00 – 10:00
  • NRW-Forum
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 60min

Breakfast Presentation European Dancehouse Network

Pia Krämer, President, Kerstin Evert, Board Member and Bettina Masuch, former Board Member, are looking forward to sharing their vision and way of operating the European Dancehouse Network (EDN) with the Tanzmesse participants. Confronted with the challenges of the world today we stay for connectedness, identity and empathy building, resilience and the vital impact of the performing arts in society. EDN believes that dance art is valued as an integral component of everyday lives and culture, creatively contributing to the well being of society and movement in itself, as the fundamental tissue of relatedness and empathy.