Danscentrum Stockholm

Open Studio

Danscentrum Stockholm SE

Aloun Marchal & Henrique Furtado Vieira

Bibi Ha Bibi

  • 31 August
    16:00 – 16:20
  • tanzhaus nrw | Studio 2
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 20min
  • Area: 72

Bibi Ha Bibi

Choreography: Aloun Marchal & Henrique Furtado Vieira

With Bibi Ha Bibi, the performing arts company Possibilitas explores a wide range of sounds and movements with clashing styles, from sports fighting to teasing childish games, from rumbling noises to lullabies. Based on listening, mimicry and exchange of movements, Bibi Ha Bibi glides from controlled violence to sensuality.