Interno5 IT
Antonello Tudisco
Act of Mercy
31 August
17:00 – 17:20 - tanzhaus nrw
| Studio 3
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
- Duration: 20min
Area: 32
Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza - Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza (I)
Act of Mercy
Choreography: Antonello Tudisco
Inspired by Caravaggio’s painting “The seven works of mercy”, choreographer Antonello Tudisco investigate the idea of “mercy” and the questions that are raised by it: Can goodness be cruel? Is assisting a person to death to be considered merciful? If we consider mercy as the human act that allows a better life, then it generates a goodness that also provokes pain.
SODRE / Compañía de Danza Martin Inthamoussú
(Uruguay) / Theatre Plesni (SL) / Teatro Stabile di Napoli (IT)