Léa Tirabasso
Léa Tirabasso LU
Léa Tirabasso
love me tender
31 August
21:15 – 22:30 - tanzhaus nrw
| Small Stage
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
Triple bill:
Cie Mossoux-Bonté
KOREOPROJECT - Total duration: 75min
Area: 32
Dance from Luxembourg
love me tender
Choreography: Léa Tirabasso
"Love is only the species' will for survival", says Arthur Schopenhauer in The Metaphysics of Love. love me tender unravels the hidden sides of our minds and our bitter but yet oh so sweet fantasies. It studies the contained anger and frustration one should not reveal, the natural inclinations of the being and the censorship one imposes on oneself. love me tender is the secret history between two loving souls.