Compagnia Palermo in Danza
Compagnia Palermo in Danza IT
Enrico Morelli
Uscita di Sciurezza
28 August
21:00 – 22:05 - Capitol Theater
| Big Stage
- Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
Double bill:
Room 2 Manoeuvre - Total duration: 65min
Uscita di Sciurezza
Choreography: Enrico Morelli
Is it still dance or is it war already? “Uscita di Sicurezza“ (lit: Safety Exit) tosses us brutally into an unfettered underground world full of flashes of lightning and blackouts; into a swarm of rhythmic contractions, a herd of recurrently falling and leaping bodies. Who dominates whom, who is the victim and who is the tormenter? But there exists an emergency exit, a path to freedom. It lies in admitting one’s own weaknesses, in mirroring one another, in recognising one’s own self and its fragile uniqueness. This production will contribute to giving one of the most important dance companies in Italy its deserved status in Germany.
Double bill with Room 2 Manoeuvre (UK)