
Angie Hiesl + Roland Kaiser

  • 30 August
    15:30 – 17:30
  • Johannes-Rau-Platz
  • Wheelchair Access Impaired mobility
  • Duration: 120min


Choreography: Angie Hiesl + Roland Kaiser

In their site-specific installation and performance project AQUAMARIN.40213 Angie Hiesl, Roland Kaiser and their international ensemble of seven dancers deal with the theme of water. What role does this element play in our everyday urban lives? The performers intervene in the everyday life of the Johannes-Rau-Platz / Apollo Platz in Düsseldorf, to change its rhythms and lend it a watery appearance.

AQUAMARIN.40213 is a further development of the [in] VISIBLE – [un] SICHTBAR project. It was premiered in 2014 as part of the TOTAL THÉÂTRE cooperation, which was sponsored by the EU.